C R G CRG Reports Exterior Engine 1967 Model ID
Numbers Decode General Info Interior Transmission 1968 Model ID
Drivetrain Decode Options Underhood Chassis 1969 Model ID


©1998-2025, Camaro Research Group
Edited by and
Version: Wednesday, 26-Feb-2025 10:53:40 EST

  1. Engine Pad Stampings - including Engine Codes
  2. Block Casting Numbers
  3. Listing of Factory Camaro Engines
  4. The 302 and the Camaro Z-28
  5. Differences in V8 Frame Mount Brackets and Engine Mounts
  6. Service Engine (CE) Identification
  7. Big Block Valve Covers
  8. Complete Engine Pulley List
  9. Ignition Coils
  10. Starters
  11. CRG Research Report: 1967-69 Camaro Cylinder Heads
  12. CRG Research Report: 1967-69 Camaro Carburetors
  13. CRG Research Report: 1967-69 Camaro Emission Systems
  14. CRG Research Report: 1967-69 Water Pumps
  15. CRG Research Report: 302 Valvetrain Adjustment Procedure
  16. CRG Research Report: Camaro Cross-Ram Intake Manifolds
  17. CRG Research Report: Camaro Transistor Ignition Systems

Listing of Factory Camaro Engines

Part of the success of the Camaro was the wide variety of engine options that were available. Here's a summary of the factory domestic engines, their availablity, and production totals. (Other engines were used in export models, foreign-built models, and dealer-modified Camaros.) A complete listing of engine codes is shown on the Drivetrain Decoding page. A complete listing of production options is on the Options page.

Engine options introduced mid-year 67 are shown in the late 67 column. Engine options in 69 that were available all year are centered. Engines available until 1/1/69 are shown under the early column and their replacements are shown under the late column. See the COPO article for information about the 1969 L78 and L72 production totals.

                                     1967           1968           1969 
                                         late                 early    late  
Base L6 
  L26     230ci/140HP  L6 1BC      20,643          22,322         17,588 
Optional L6 
  L22     250ci/155HP  L6 1BC      38,165          28,647         18,660
Base non-SS V8 
  LF7     327ci/210HP  V8 2BC     102,409         124,870      44,746
  L14     307ci/200HP  V8 2BC                                        68,487 
Optional higher hp non-SS V8 
  L30     327ci/275HP  V8 4BC      25,287          21,686
  LM1     350ci/255HP  V8 4BC                                  10,406
  L65     350ci/250HP  V8 2BC                                        26,898
SS models 
  L48     350ci/295HP* V8 4BC      29,270          12,496         22,339
  L35     396ci/325HP  V8 4BC          4,003       10,773          6,752
  L34     396ci/350HP  V8 4BC                       2,579          2,018
  L78     396ci/375HP  V8 4BC          1,138        4,575          3,823 ^
  L78/L89 396ci/375HP  V8 4BC **                      272            311 
  Z28     302ci/290HP  V8 4BC            602        7,199         20,302
COPO models 
  L72     427ci/425HP  V8 4BC #                                      997 ^
  ZL1     427ci/430HP  V8 4BC ##                                      69 

 * rated 300HP in 1969
 ** Al head option
 # COPO 9561, cast-iron
 ## COPO 9560, Al block/heads
 ^ L78 total adjusted for COPO production. See COPO article for more info.

67 Engine Usage 68 Engine Usage 69 Engine Usage
Pie chart Pie chart Pie chart


The 302 and the Camaro Z-28

The 302 engine was only available in first-generation Z-28s (the 350 LT-1 was used in 2nd generation Z-28s), and was created in response to a Trans Am racing engine displacement limitation at that time of 5 liters (305ci). The 302 was created by installing a short-stroke 283ci engine crankshaft in a 327ci block, resulting in 302ci displacement. This just fit the Trans Am limitation (the bores of the actual racing engines were tweaked to produce exactly 305ci) and this design (with special modifications for high-performance use) resulted in an unusual, high-revving engine that helped create the legend of the Z-28. The 302 was the only engine available in the first-generation Z-28.

Differences in V8 Frame Mount Brackets and Engine Mounts

All '67-'68 small-block (SB) and '69 307ci and 327ci engines used the same frame mount bracket (approximately 2-1/2 inches wide) attached to the subframe. The 1969 302ci and 350ci engines used a ~3/8 inch shorter and ~1/4 inch narrower bracket. 1967-68 engine mounts will assemble to the 1969 302/350 engine mount bracket, but this is an incorrect assembly that results in driveline vibration and clutch chatter because the engine sits too low and can move on the bracket.

In order to gain engine compartment clearance, big block (BB) engines were offset 1/2 inch to the right (towards the passenger side) by means of asymmetric brackets. 1967-68 BB frame mount brackets are 2-1/2 inches wide (but not the same as SB) and use the same engine mounts as 67-68 302ci and 350ci. For 69, BB frame mount brackets were redesigned to use the new thicker, narrower, engine mount also used by 302ci and 350ci. BBC bracket pairs are easily spotted because the left bracket is noticeably taller than the right in order to achieve the engine offset.

Note that the frame mount brackets and the engine mounts below are grouped together by functionality. The OEM engine mounts may have had different part numbers in the different applications and different years, but are functionally the same within a grouping. The original frame mount part numbers are listed.

   Frame Mount Brackets      Part No. (L, R)
 ------------------------   ----------------- 
     67-69                  3892731, 3892732

   1) 67-68 302, 327, 350   3892733, 3892734
      and 69 327/307        3955183, 3955184
   2) 67-68 396             3912597, 3912598
   3) 69 302 and 350        3945507, 3945508
   4) 69 396                3950113, 3950114
Big Block Frame Mounts
BB Frame Mounts
    Engine Mounts               Part No.
 --------------------         ------------ 
 L6   a) 67-early 68            3866247
      b) late 68-69             3932799
 V8   a) 67-68 327 non-PS               
         67-68 327 PS right              
            69 327/307
      b) 67-68 327 PS left
      c) 67-68 302, 350, 396
      d) 69 302, 350, 396


Service Engine (CE) and Transmission Coding

Quoting from the Chevrolet Dealer Service Information Bulletin, 69-I-1, dated 19 Sept, 1968:

The following system will be used to identify service engine and transmission assemblies* including replacement parts. Manufacturing plants will number each assembly as it is produce. The first letter will designate the GM division which produced the engine.

    C-Chevrolet     L-Oldsmobile     K-Cadillac     B-Buick     P-Pontiac

The second letter will designate the type of unit "E" engine or "T" transmission. The number following the letter will designate the model year "9" for 1969. The last five digits specify the service replacement unit sequence number. The group of numbers to be used by Chevrolet manufacturing plants are as follows:

  Flint Motor Plant (L6 Engines) 00001 to 19999
                                 80001 to 89999
  Flint V8 Engine Plant          20000 to 49999
  Tonawanda Motor Plant          50000 to 79999

Example: Number CE900175 designates Chevrolet engine - 1969 year, and the 175th unit produced for service at the Flint Motor Plant (L6).

  Cleveland Transmission Plant    00001 to 14999
  Toledo Transmission Plant       15000 to 24999
  Saginaw Transmission Plant      25000 to 34999
  Muncie Transmission Plant       35000 to 44999
  Hydra-Matic transmissions will be numbered with the letter "H" 
  regardless of the G.M. Division using the transmission.

* This numbering system applies to service engine assemblies, partial engines, fitted cylinder cases, cylinder cases, transmission assemblies and transmission cases.

Most service parts were produced specifically for service. Production engines and transmissions were generally not used as service parts.


Big Block Valve Covers

1967 BB with smog
RH Valve Cover w/ bracket
Stant Oil Cap
67 BB - RH w/ smog     Oil Cap

The Camaro big block valve covers used on the 396 and 427 engines were basically the same for 1967 through 1969. They had the same shape and all had oil drippers spot-welded on the inside of the cover which created the "dimples" on the outside of the cover. But the brackets attached to the valve covers changed every year.

Righthand - The righthand side valve covers were similar all three years. The oil cap was located on the righthand valve cover and was a twist-on style (later valve covers used a push-in rubber plug). The 1967 396 with smog had a one-year-only unique cover which had a bracket on the valve cover for the fuel mixture control valve. Both 67 396 (with and without smog) RH valve covers have the spark plug wire stand welded in the center of the valve cover. Whereas the 68 and 69 RH valve covers have the spark plug wire stand located rearward, almost directly under the crankcase vent tube hole.

Lefthand - The lefthand side big block valve covers had three features in common all three years - a slanted end for wiper motor clearance when removing the cover, a dimple for rocker arm clearance and for the oil dripper inside the valve cover, and the rear spark plug wire stand located forward of the rear bolt hole, also to clear the wiper motor. Both Camaros and Nova had the spark plug wire stand in this location. Chevelles and full-size Chevrolets had the stand rearward of the rear bolt hole.

Close-up of
slanted end of the LH cover
Close-up of
LH dimple and oil dripper
LH cover for 68-69
Chevelles and full-size Chevrolets
1968 BB Valve Cover End Oil drippers 68-69 Chevelle and full-size LH cover

The changes in the LH valve cover are all related to the temperature sender wiring. In 1967, the sender was mounted in the front of the intake and there were two temperature sender wire clip tabs along the intake side of the valve cover for routing the wiring. In 1968, there are no clips on the valve cover because the temperature sender was in the head and the wiring was part of the alternator harness. In 1969, the alternator moved to the other side of the engine and the temperature sender wire came out at the firewall and down the exhaust manifold side to the temperature sender in the head. The 69 BB valve cover had one wire tab (which was dip-coated with plastic) on the exhaust manifold side of the valve cover for this wiring.

Close-up of 67 wiring clip 1968 Camaro BB Valve Covers Close-up of 69 wiring clip
1967 BB Valve Cover Clip 1968 BB Valve Covers 1969 BB Valve Cover Clip

Complete Engine Pulley List

CRG has created downloadable spreadsheets of the pulley part numbers and applications for first-generation Camaro. It is in PDF form, so you must have a working version of Adobe Acrobat Reader (or other PDF compatible reader/viewer) to read this file. Acrobat Reader is a free program.

These download files are the copyright property of the Camaro Research Group, and are subject to the same restrictions as any other data on our web site. Do not download any of these files unless you can comply with these restrictions.

Click (or Shift-Click) to download the listings in PDF format.  

Ignition Coils

This listing is for the coils used in production. The coil and bracket were shipped as an assembly to the assembly plant. What is a bit different is they used the coil to ID the assembly. So the last three digits of the assembly part # were the numbers embossed into the coil (even though the coils may have internally been the same). The various brackets changed the angle and/or location of the coil for clearance, normally for air cleaner clearance. The BR (for ballast resister) embossed on the coil went to B-R for 69 (the drawing change was dated 9/12/68).

From the AIMs and broadcast sheets and car data (only the last three digits were embossed on the coil):

293 Coil and Delco Remy script
293 coil coil top

67-69 L6: 1115208

67 V8:
1115267 - used on many applications including LF7(base 327), L35, and L78.
1115270 and another coil (possibly 290) - used on L30 and SS350 cars. It apppears that the ignition resistance wire changed from 1.8 ohm to 1.3 ohm in production and so the coil may be an early vs late usage.

68 V8:
1115293 - all engines except Z28
1115202 - early Z28
1115298 - late Z28 (changeover was about Jan 68)

69 V8:
1115293 - used on all engines except below
1115298 - Z28
1115270 - small block (Z28 and SS350) with cowl hood
1115210 - ZL1 TI units



Straight-line mounting bolts (left) vs
staggered mounting bolts (right)
Starter housings
1108367 starter with
8L2 (Dec 2, 1968) date
1108367 starter

Chevrolet had two basic starter designs that were used from 1963 to 1985. The size of the ring gear on the flexplate or flywheel determined which starter design was used.
- The smaller 153-tooth ring gear was 12.75 inches in diameter. This design used a starter with the straight-line mounting bolt housing made of aluminum, with 2 different length bolts. Manual transmission cars used the 403 bellhousing.
- The larger 168-tooth ring gear was 14 inches in diameter. It used a starter with a staggered mounting bolt housing made of cast-iron, with equal length bolts. Manual transmission cars used the 621 bellhousing.

The listings for starters in GM documentation vary significantly and part numbers were consolidated for service to reduce the number of service parts; we are not addressing either service part use or physically interchangeable parts. The difference between starters, that were otherwise the same external form and fit, is the torque output due to different internal component parts.

The starter usages below have all been confirmed via original cars or production documentation (e.g. the AIM and chassis broadcast sheets). Here are a few notations about the applications.
- MT = manual transmission, AT = automatic transmission.
- The starter for a 1967 L6 with an automatic transmission has not been confirmed.
- The starter used on the 1967 327's changed mid-way through the year. There is not enough data yet to pin down the changeover date beyond that it happened in the spring of 67.
- The 69 SS350 with automatic transmission had a hot restart issue. A TSB was issued with information about a service fix and a change in the factory starter. The change occurred before November 1968.
- The ZL1 with manual transmission used the smaller and lighter (15#) L88 flywheel which had less inertia and provided better engine response on the track.

Starter Usage
Engine Part # Ring Gear
L6 MT 1107399 12 3/4"
L6 AT 1107400 12 3/4"
327 1107320 early 12 3/4"
1107496 late
Z28 1107496 12 3/4"
L48 1108338 14"
396 1107365 14"
Engine Part # Ring Gear
L6 1108365 12 3/4"
327 1108367 12 3/4"
Z28 1108367 12 3/4"
L48 1108338 14"
396 1107365 14"
Engine Part # Ring Gear
L6 1108365 12 3/4"
307/327 1108367 12 3/4"
Z28 1108367 12 3/4"
LM1/L65 1108361 12 3/4"
L48 AT early 1108361 12 3/4"
L48 AT late 1108420 12 3/4"
L48 MT 1108338 14"
396/427 1108418 14"
ZL1 MT 1108351 12 3/4"
ZL1 AT 1108400 14"


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