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1967-69 Camaro Drivetrain Decoding

©1998-2025, Camaro Research Group
Edited by Kurt Sonen
Version: Monday, 10-Mar-2025 23:52:09 EDT

  1. Engine Pad Stampings
  2. Block Casting Numbers
  3. Transmission Codes
  4. Rear Axle Numbers
  5. Rear Axle Codes
  6. Drivetrain Partial VIN's


Engine Pad Stampings

All engine pads were stamped with the engine assembly stamp (aka, "engine code"). The location of the engine code and the location of the partial VIN stamps are shown in the drawings below. The partial VIN stamps are also discussed in detail at the bottom of this page.

Engine Stamp Locations
(click on an image to expand)
1967-69 L6 Engine Stamp Location 1967-69 V8 Engine Stamp Location Alternate 1969 V8 VIN location
1967-69 L6 Engine Stamp Locations 1967-69 V8 Engine Stamp Locations Alternate 1969 V8 VIN Location

The engine assembly stamp (aka, "engine code") identifies the engine assembly plant, assembly date, and engine application suffix code and was stamped by the engine plant. It is located on a machined pad on the engine block. For V8's the pad is a forward extension of the passenger-side engine block at the bottom of the forward end of the head. For L6 6-cylinder engines the pad is located on the passenger side of the block, near the forward end, and close to the distributor.

Typical Small Block Engine Pad Stamp
1969 Engine Pad Stamp
Notes: The I and 1 characters were used interchangeably in the engine code.
The engine code and the partial VIN locations are reversed on big block applications.

The format of the engine code is shown in the table below. Note that this only applies to engines intended for vehicle assembly plant use. Warranty replacement engines used a different stamping format (e.g. CE900175), as noted in the Replacement Engines info. The engine pad of a block may be blank or only partially legible if the block was decked (machined to ensure the block deck is square) when the motor was rebuilt. If minimal material was removed when the block was decked, applying an acid solution may make the pad stampings more visible.

Engine Code Interpretation
 Engine Code Format:  fmmddaa

    where f  = engine factory code
               F for Flint (MI) Motor Facility (L6 engines) 
               V for Flint (MI) Engine Plant (V8 engines)
               T for Tonawanda (NY) Engine Plant
          mm = numeric month of year
          dd = numeric day of month
          aa = engine application suffix code (see tables

 Example: V1012FL
          This is interpreted as a Camaro 327ci-210HP engine with 
          the TH350 transmission assembled on October 12th (1968) 
          at the Flint, MI engine assembly plant for a 1969 model. 

All 67-69 Camaro engine codes are documented in the following tables. The source for these codes were the Chevrolet Dealer Service Information Bulletins for the given year.
All engine codes for 1955-1991 Chevrolet Engines (including truck and marine) are listed in The Lime Book pdf, courtesty of Edward McComas.

1967 Camaro Engine Application Suffix Codes
                      Automatic      3- or 4-speed 
                     Transmission    Transmission
                     no-A/C  A/C     no-A/C  A/C  
                     ------ ------   ------ ------
 without K19 (smog)
230ci/140HP base L6    LE     LF       LA     LB
250ci/155HP L22 L6     FM     FR       LN     LO

 with K19 (smog)
230ci/140HP base L6    LG     LH       LC     LD
250ci/155HP L22 L6     GP     GQ       LP     LQ

                       Automatic        Manual
                      -----------     ----------
without K19 (smog)
 283ci/195HP Swiss *      MJ              MD
 302ci/290HP Z28          --              MO
 327ci/210HP base V8      ME              MA
 327ci/275HP L30          MM              MK
 350ci/295HP L48          MU              MS

 396ci/325HP L35          MY              MW
 396ci/375HP L78          --              MQ

with K19 (smog)
 302ci/290HP Z28          --              MP
 327ci/210HP base V8      MF              MB
 327ci/275HP L30          MN              ML
 350ci/295HP L48          MV              MT

 396ci/325HP L35          MZ              MX
 396ci/375HP L78          --              MR

* only used in Camaros built at the GM Suisse plant 
  and sold in Switzerland.


1968 Camaro Engine Application Suffix Codes
                       Automatic      3- or 4-speed 
                      Transmission    Transmission
                      no-A/C  A/C     no-A/C  A/C  
                      ------ ------   ------ ------
 230ci/140HP base L6    BF     BH       BA     BD
 250ci/155HP L22 L6     CQ     CR       CM     CN

                        Automatic        Manual
                       -----------     ----------
 302ci/290HP Z28           --              MO
 327ci/210HP base V8     ME & MI*          MA
 327ci/275HP L30         EE & EN*          EA
 350ci/295HP L48         MU & MF*          MS

 396ci/325HP L35           MY              MW
 396ci/350HP L34           MR              MX
 396ci/375HP L78           --              MQ
 396ci/375HP L89           --              MT

 * Engine code with TH350 transmission, used in 
   late-year 1968 TH350 test fleet


1969 Camaro Engine Application Suffix Codes
                      PowerGlide/TD      TH350       3- or 4-speed 
                      no-A/C  A/C     no-A/C  A/C    no-A/C  A/C
                      ------ ------   ------ ------  ------ ------
 230ci/140HP base L6    AN     AQ       AO     AR      AM     AP
 230ci Export           AT     AV       --     --      AS     AU
 250ci/155HP L22 L6     BB     BC       BD     BH      BE     BF

                       PowerGlide        TH350       3-spd  4-spd
                      -------------   -----------    ------ ------
 307ci/200HP base V8       DC              DD          DA     DE
 327ci/210HP base V8       FK              FL          FJ     FZ
 327ci Export              FT              --             FS
 350ci/250HP L65           HF              HD             HC
 350ci/255HP LM1           HR              HS             HQ
 350ci/300HP L48           HE              HB             HA
 302ci/290HP Z28           --              --             DZ

                                         TH400          Manual
                                       ---------       --------
 396ci/325HP L35                        JG / CJG       JB / CJB 
 396ci/350HP L34                        JI / CJI       JF / CJF 
 396ci/375HP L78                        JL / CJL       JH / CJH
 396ci L78 w/ L89 Al heads              JM / CJM       JJ / CJJ

                                         TH400           4-spd
                                       ---------       --------
 427ci/425HP L72 COPO 9561                 MO             MN
 427ci/430HP ZL1 COPO 9560                 MM             ML

 Engine Codes Reserved for Use With MA6 Heavy-Duty Clutch 
 (none produced):
 L48 - HP,  L35 - JU,  L34 - KA,  L78 - KC,  L89 - KE

In 1970, engine application codes changed from a 2 digit to a 3 digit code by adding a prefix letter to the code. The prefix letter for passenger cars was C and the prefix letter for trucks was T. For example, the 1969 JF engine code became CJF in 1970. This change did affect late 1969 SS396 Camaros (but no other 69 Camaro model). Per the Sep-Oct 1969 Chevrolet Service News, these big-blocks with the 1970-style engine codes actually are 402 cubic inch engines. This was simply a .030 overbore of the 396 block. All advertising and sales literature still referred to the 402 engine as the 396.

Block Casting Numbers

Engine blocks had part numbers cast into them to help identify them during the manufacturing process. The casting number was cast into the right side of L6 blocks and on the rear left side (near the bellhousing flange) of V8 blocks. The same block could be machined in both 2 and 4 bolt main configurations, dependent on the requirements of the intended engine application. A casting number could be used in multiple engine applications, including different engine displacements. The displacement could be changed by using different crankshaft strokes. There are many examples of this -- the 1969 302, 327, and 350 motors all used the same blocks with a 4" bore, just with three different crankshafts. The castings below are listed in general order of use, though sometimes multiple block castings were in production at the same time.

All 67 small blocks, with the notable exception of the SS350 block, were machined with 2.30 inch main journals. The 67 SS350 block and all 68 and later small blocks had 2.45 inch main journals. The blocks used for the 67 SS350 engine were also machined for clearance of the longer stroke of the 350 crankshaft.

Block Casting Numbers
Bore 1967 1968 1969
L6  3.875"   3877178 
 3921968 *
 3921968   3921968 
307 3.875" - - 3932371
327 4.0" 3903352
  3970014 *
302 & 350 4.0" 3892657 3914678
396 4.094" 3902406
427 4.251" - - 3963512
* - see note below

The date that the block was made is cast into the rear of the block (where the bellhousing bolts up), right behind the distributor boss. Some big blocks will have the cast date next to the engine mounts, near the freeze plugs, on the passenger (RH) side of the block.

The block casting date must always be before the engine assembly date and it is usually very close to engine assembly date. Blocks have been found that have been cast and assembled in the same day, but that is not normative. There are also blocks that have been cast and then assembled months later; again, that is not normative.

The engine assembly date must always be before the vehicle (not body) assembly date. The engine assembly date almost always is before the Fisher Body cowl tag date. In the unusual case it is later (since the Fisher Body calendar does not always line up with the normal calendar), it should be within a week of the body. Most engine assembly dates are less than 30 days before the vehicle build. Some engine assembly dates can be 30-90 days before vehicle build with the odd exception being >90 days.

"M"-Coded Blocks
There is one exception to the normal block casting date convention that has been observed: some blocks have been seen with "M" cast codes. Research by the Saginaw Metal Casting Operations of GM Powertrain Division has found that these "M" codes are not date codes, but actually a foundry code used to indentify parts that were made to evaluate a casting process change. After evaluating the parts, the blocks would either be destroyed or released into production. There is no way to determine the date an "M"-coded block was poured.

Transmission Numbers

The transmission assembly date code was stamped by the transmission assembly plant and is also stamped on the protect-o-plate. It contains the plant / transmission model code and the date. This date needs to precede the vehicle assembly date. All transmissions, except for the Borg-Warner H-D manual 3-speed and the TH400, follow the same transmission code format.

The VIN was stamped on the transmission by the vehicle assembly plant and is discussed in detail at the bottom of this page.

Note that the format types shown below only apply to transmissions intended for vehicle assembly plant use. Service replacement transmissions used a different stamping format, as noted in the Replacement Transmissions FAQ.

1967-1969 Camaro Transmission Stamped Assembly Date Code Format
(except TH400 and B-W 3-speed)
 Trans Code Format:  tymdds
   t  = transmission type
      MANUAL                         AUTOMATIC
 S = Saginaw 3-speed           A = 68/69 L6 Torque-Drive 
 K = McKinnon 3-speed          C = Cleveland Powerglide
 H = 69 Muncie HD 3-speed      T = Toledo Powerglide
 R = 4-speed Saginaw           B = Cleveland TH350
 P = 4-speed Muncie            X = Cleveland TH350
                               Y = Toledo TH350

   y  = model year (not calendar year)
   m  = month 
        Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
        --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
         A   B   C   D   E   H   K   M   P   R   S   T

   dd = day of month
   s  = suffix
       PowerGlide and TH350 (not used on all):
          D = day shift
          N = night shift
       1969 Muncie 3-speed
          B = 2.42 first gear ratio
       1969 Muncie 4-speed only:
          A = M20
          B = M21     Use of the Muncie type suffix
          C = M22     began with 21 Oct 68 production.

     R7S21  Saginaw 4-speed, Nov 21, 1966
     P8R01  Muncie M2x 4-speed, Oct 01, 1967
     P9T11B Muncie M21 4-speed, Dec 11, 1968
     C9D14N PowerGlide M35 2-speed auto,
            Apr 14, 1969, night shift

1967-1968 Borg-Warner H-D Manual
3-speed Stamp Format

      W = B-W HD 3-speed (67/8)
     mm = month
     dd = day

   W0224   B-W HD 3-speed, Feb 24

Manual transmissions have the transmission code stamped on the maincase, but the location varies with the model of transmission. Automatic transmissions (Powerglide and TH350) were stamped on the transmission oil pan. If the transmission oil pan was damaged and replaced, the new oil pan would be unstamped.

Some late 69 cars that were built in the extended 69 model year could have received transmissions that were dated for the 1970 model year (i.e. the model year in the transmission code would be a 0 instead of a 9).


PowerGlide and TH350 Transmission Code Location
Trans Code Location
Powerglide and TH350 transmissions were stamped on the passenger side of the transmission oil pan. The front of the car is toward photo right.
Muncie 4-speed Transmission Code Location
Trans Code Location
Muncie 4-speed transmissions were stamped on the rear edge of the passenger side of the transmission maincase.


Saginaw 3- and 4-speed Transmission Code Location
Trans Code Location
The Saginaw transmissions were stamped on the driver's side of the case, on a pad right below the side cover on the machined surface.
Muncie 3-speed Transmission Code Location
Trans Code Location
The 69 H-D Muncie 3-speed manual transmission was stamped on the driver's side, right below the side cover on the machined surface.

For TH400 transmissions, a different format was used. The transmission tag was stamped with the date code, the unit's serial number, and, in large letters, the broadcast code. The date code was also stamped on the protect-o-plate at the assembly plant.

1967-1969 Camaro TH400 Transmission Tag Format
TH400 tag
The TH400 transmission code was stamped on a metal ID plate located on the passenger side vertical surface of the transmission case. Note the CX stamp on the trans case.
TH400 trans
 TH400 Code Format:  yyaddd

   yy = last two digits of the model year
    a = transmission application
        C = L35 engine
        E = L34 engine
        X = L78/L72/ZL1 engine
  ddd = Julian day of model year
        such that Jan 1 is day 366 (or 367)

69X493 = Day 127 or May 7, 1969 
         for L78/L72/ZL1 Camaro


      e.g. CX-69-3470

    C = Chevrolet
    X = L78/L72/ZL1 engine
   69 = model year
 nnnn = 4-digit production sequence number

Manual Transmission Castings
Manual transmission cases can be identified by the casting numbers and casting dates. See the Internal Date Codes information here. The table below summarizes the transmission maincase casting numbers for 67-69 Camaro applications. More manual transmission information, including gear ratio and ID information, is located on the transmission page.

1967-1969 Camaro Manual Transmission Castings
Transmission Case Info 1967 1968 1969
Saginaw 3-speed material: cast iron
7-bolt side cover
3859986 3925647
H-D 3-Speed material: cast iron
9-bolt side cover (B-W)
7-bolt side cover (MC1)
Borg-Warner M13
Muncie MC1 #
Saginaw 4-speed material: cast iron
7-bolt side cover
3915032 3925656
Muncie 4-speed material: aluminum
7-bolt side cover
3885010   3925660 *
# MC1 transmissions used either maincase - castings are listed in order of use.
* Some late-production 69 Camaros came with Muncie 3925661 maincases.


Rear Axle Numbers

The third major drivetrain component, the rear axle/differential, like the engine and transmission, was also marked for identification. The major marks are the axle assembly stamp and the carrier casting number and casting date code.

The axle assembly stamp (a.k.a. the axle code) is located on the forward face of the passenger-side axle tube, midway the length. This stamp can be difficult to locate on an 45+ year old axle due to layers of paint, undercoating, rust, and dirt. It may be necessary to partially clean the middle third of the forward face of the passenger side axle in order to locate and discern the characters. But once you find part of the stamp, you'll know where to concentrate your efforts. A wire brush can be very helpful in the search, as can a putty knife and lacquer thinner. The approximate location is same for both 10-bolt and 12-bolt axles.

The stamp location is illustrated in the sketch below. The photo of a 1969 10-bolt axle stamp (PG0424G1) is taken from below the driveshaft, looking toward the passenger-side leaf spring. For 67 12-bolts, the radius rod bracket shifts the axle stamp outboard a little, as shown in the other picture.

1967-69 Camaro Rear Axle Code Location
axle sketch

67-69 Rear Axle Code Location
Axle code pic
67 12-bolt Code Location
Axle code pic

The format of the axle code is shown below:

67-69 Camaro Axle Code Format
 Axle Code Format:  aa mmdd fs             
       aa = application code - two alphabetic characters
       mm = two-digit numeric month (01-12)
       dd = two-digit numeric day of month (01-31)
        f = factory plant code 
            G - Detroit Gear & Axle plant
        s = shift code (1 or 2)

        p = a positraction manufacturer code, when applicable, 
            is added on a second line.  The posi manufacturer
            codes are D for Dana, E for Eaton, and W for

     Example: BL 1122 G2
            For a 68 or 69 model, this is interpreted as a
            3.07:1 axle ratio, non-posi, 12-bolt rear
            axle assembled on November 22, 67 or 68 by the  
            Detroit Gear & Axle plant, second shift.

After much research, CRG is pleased to publish a comprehensive list of 67-69 Camaro axle codes. The CRG has researched a number of axle codes that were not documented, along with better descriptions of the axle applications and compiled the information in this listing.

There were four axle center section casting numbers used for 67-69 Camaros (also used in 68-70 Novas). 67, 68, and most 69 cars received either the 10-bolt 3894859 housing or 12-bolt 3894860 housing and had a two letter axle code.

Most later 69 (after 08A) cars have the 10-bolt 3969340 or 12-bolt 3969341 housings that were introduced for the 1970 model year. Late 69 axles built after August 69 (10 or 12 bolt) were also stamped using the 1970-style code which had a C (for car) prefix added to the axle code, e.g. CBT instead of just BT.

Notice that there is no specific year included in the axle assembly code. While some axles can be traced to a specific year solely on the basis of a rarely used application code, there are other axles stamped with a code that was used for multiple years. In order to trace an axle to a specific year, it is advisable to also check the carrier casting number and casting date code. The casting date is normally located on upper portion of the center section casting, as illustrated in the sketch below:

1967-69 Camaro Rear Axle Casting Date
axle sketch

The casting date format is normally of the following format:

Axle Casting Date Interpretation
   m = month (A-L month format, see below)
  dd = 1- or 2-digit numeric day of month (1-31) 
   y = last digit of calendar year 

 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
  A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   K   L


Rear Axle Codes

The following is a complete listing of all axle codes used on 1967-69 Camaros. This list was compiled from multiple GM references and from actual vehicle data.
Some combinations of features have multiple axle codes, e.g. there are four 12-bolt 3.07 non-posi axles codes listed for 1968. Some axle codes in this list were generated by Chevrolet but were not used in production (only two of those four 1968 3.07 codes (BL and PP) have been observed in vehicles).

Note: late 69 axles often are stamped with a C preceding the axle code (a 1970 feature), e.g. CBT instead of just BT.

1967 1968 1969 *
Code Ratio Size Type Brake Ratio Size Type Brake Ratio Size Type Brake
BA   2.56 10 N 2.56 10 N
BB   2.56 10 P 2.56 10 P
BC   3.36 10 N 3.36 10 N
BD   3.36 10 P 3.36 10 P
BE   2.56 12 N 4.10 12 P
BF   2.56 ? N
BG   2.56 12 P
BH   2.56 ? P
BI   2.73 12 N 2.73 12 N
BJ 3.07 12 N STD 3.07 12 N
BK 2.73 10 N STD 2.73 10 N
BL   3.07 12 N 3.07 12 N
BM   3.31 12 N 3.31 12 N
BN   3.55 12 N 3.55 12 N
BO   3.73 12 N 3.73 12 N
BP 3.08 10 N STD 2.73 10 N 2.73 10 N
BQ   2.73 12 P 2.73 12 P
BR   3.07 12 P 3.07 12 P
BS   3.31 12 P 3.31 12 P
BT   3.55 12 P 3.55 12 P
BU   3.73 12 P 3.73 12 P
BV   4.10 12 P 4.10 12 P
BW   4.56 12 P 4.56 12 P
BX   4.88 12 P 4.88 12 P
BY   2.73 12 P
BZ   2.73 12 N
PA 3.08 10 N STD 3.08 10 N 3.08 10 N
PB 3.36 10 N STD 3.31 12 N 2.56 10 N
PC 3.31 12 N STD 3.31 12 N 2.56 10 P
PD 3.07 12 P STD 3.31 12 P 2.73 10 N
PE 3.08 10 P STD 3.08 10 P 3.08 10 P
PF 3.31 12 P STD 3.31 12 P 2.73 10 P
PG 3.36 10 P STD 3.07 12 P 3.08 10 N
PH 3.55 10 P STD 3.55 10 P 3.55 ? N
PI 3.55 12 P STD 3.55 12 P 2.56 10 N
PJ 3.73 12 P STD 3.73 12 P 2.56 10 P
PK [1] 3.55 10 N STD 3.55 10 N 3.55 ? N
PL 3.55 12 N STD 3.55 10 N 2.73 10 N
PM 3.73 12 N STD 3.73 12 N 2.73 10 P
PN 3.07 12 N MET 2.56 12 N 3.08 10 P
PO 3.07 12 P MET 2.56 12 P MET 3.08 10 N
PP 3.31 12 N MET 3.07 12 N 3.36 10 N
PQ 3.55 12 N MET
PR 3.31 12 P MET 3.31 12 P 3.08 10 P
PS 3.55 12 P MET 3.55 12 P 3.36 10 P
PT 3.73 12 N MET 3.73 12 N 3.36 10 N
PU 3.73 12 P MET 3.73 12 P 3.36 10 P
PV 3.07 12 N STD
PW 2.73 10 N STD
PX 2.73 10 P STD 2.73 10 P 2.73 10 P
PY 2.73 12 P STD 2.56 12 N 2.56 12 N
PZ 2.73 ? N STD 2.56 12 P 2.56 12 P
QA 4.10 12 P STD 4.10 12 P
QB 4.56 12 P STD 4.56 12 P
QC 4.88 12 P STD 4.88 12 P
QD 2.73 10 N MET 4.10 12 P
QE 2.73 10 P MET 3.55 ? ?
QF 4.10 12 P MET 4.10 12 P
QG 4.56 12 P MET 4.56 12 P
QH 4.88 12 P MET 4.88 12 P
QI 2.73 12 P STD 2.73 12 P
QJ 3.07 12 P STD 3.07 12 P
QK 3.31 12 P STD 3.31 12 P
QL 3.31 12 N STD 3.31 12 N
QM 2.73 12 P MET 4.88 12 P
QN 2.73 12 N MET 4.88 12 P 4WD 4.88 12 P 4WD
QO 3.07 12 N MET 3.07 12 N
QP 3.07 12 P MET 3.07 12 P
QQ 3.31 12 N MET 3.31 12 N
QR 3.31 12 P MET 3.31 12 P
QS 3.07 12 N STD 2.56 ? P 4WD 2.56 12 P 4WD
QT [2] 2.73 12 N STD 2.73 10 N 4WD 2.73 12 P 4WD
QU 2.73 12 P STD 3.07 12 P 4WD 3.07 12 P 4WD
QV 2.73 10 N MET 3.31 12 N 4WD 3.31 12 P 4WD
QW 3.07 12 P STD 3.55 12 P 4WD 3.55 12 P 4WD
QX 2.73 ? P MET 3.73 12 N 4WD 3.73 12 P 4WD
QY 3.07 12 N MET 4.10 12 P 4WD 4.10 12 P 4WD
QZ 3.07 12 P MET 4.56 12 P 4WD 4.56 12 P 4WD

Axle codes Q2 through Q9 also appear in some documentation for 1968 usage. These Q2-Q9 codes have not been observed in any vehicles but are mentioned for completeness.

Table Key

* - late 69 axles may be stamped with the 1970 style C prefix (e.g. CBT instead of just BT).
10 - 10 bolt axle, 8.125 in. diameter ring gear.
12 - 12 bolt axle, 8.875 in. diameter ring gear.
P - Positraction.
N - Non-Positraction.
STD - Standard brakes.
MET - Metallic brakes.
4WD - 4-wheel disc brakes (1968 4WD axles were service parts).
? - no data available

Table Footnotes

[1] Vehicle data shows axle is a 10 bolt, GM references indicate 12 bolt.
[2] Vehicle data shows axle is a 12 bolt, GM references indicate 10 bolt.


Drivetrain Partial VIN's

The partial VIN, e.g. 19N512345, was stamped by the vehicle assembly plant on the engine and on the transmission on the engine dress line.

For most Chevrolets, the partial VIN was stamped on the engine pad near the engine assembly code.

On 1967 Camaros, generally only the Z28 and SS engines had the partial VIN's stamped. In 1967, this code consists of the sixth through the thirteen characters of the full VIN, e.g. 7N123456.

For 1968 and on, the drivetrain partial VIN's became a federal requirement and all engines were stamped with the partial VIN. The format of the VIN code was changed to add the first digit of the full VIN, e.g. 19N512345, per the federal law.

In the 1969 model year, the partial VIN for V8 engines was stamped in either of two locations: on the engine pad or near the oil filter. The alternator was moved to the passenger side in 1969 which covered the engine stamp pad and caused the VIN stamp to be relocated by the oil filter. The block in this area is raw unmachined casting which makes this stamp difficult to see. Generally, the Norwood plant stamped the VIN on the engine pad on early cars (though there are known exceptions) and moved the stamp by the oil filter in the mid-December 68 timeframe. Los Angeles was not as consistent and the VIN stamp location varied during the year.  

The transmission was also stamped with a partial VIN. Like the engines, generally only the 67 SS (and even then not all automatics) and Z28 transmissions had the partial VIN stamped on them. All 68-69 transmissions should have the partial VIN on them. The partial VIN location varied depending on transmission type and the vehicle assembly plant. Several examples are shown below.

Powerglides and TH350's are usually VIN-stamped at the transmission mounting flange (near the engine block casting number) on Norwood-produced cars, and Los Angeles cars are usually VIN-stamped on a pad on the passenger side of the transmission. But either location could be used by either plant.

Muncie 4-speed transmissions had the VIN stamped next to the transmission code or on top of the transmission. Some Muncies have been observed stamped in both locations, or with multiple stamps in either location.

Powerglide and TH350 VIN Locations
Trans VIN location Trans VIN location
Powerglide (left) and TH350 (right) transmissions were VIN-stamped either on the
forward edge of the bellhousing on the driver side or on a pad on the passenger side.

Saginaw Transmission VIN Location
Trans VIN location
The Saginaw transmissions and the Muncie 3-speed had a pad on the passenger side of the maincase where the partial VIN was stamped. A Saginaw 4-speed transmission is shown.
Muncie VIN Location
Trans VIN location
Muncie transmission with the VIN next to the trans code (the VIN is sometimes stamped on top of the trans).
TH400 VIN Locations
Trans VIN location
TH400 transmissions were VIN stamped either above the pan rail on the driver's side (very difficult to see with the exhaust system installed) or on the driver's side of the bellhousing (as indicated in the picture).


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