ok Captain John this is what i have been able to determine as far as this rear end goes. it is not a posi,much to my dismay. The ring gear shows it to be a 308 gear built in feb 1969. On the pass side front of the axle housing it is stamped PA 0217 C 1. If you look at the back of the diff cover as if it were a clock,with 1200 being straight up dead center of the cover,to the left at about 10 oclock on the housing is stamped B 49( upside down) To the right about 2 oclock on the housing is stamped con 1 (upside down). To the left of the cover on the housing about 8 oclock is stamped 67890. Hope i have explained this relatively clearly. If you know what any or all of these stamps mean please educate me. Help me if you can. Jimbo