Well.....actually I found two sets of date correct 1.94 heads. Bought the first set on eBay cheap, a set of heads just taken off an old motor, not cleaned and magnafluxed. The set I thought looked great and took them to the machinist to be modified to the 2.02 specs. When the machinist got them cleaned up he found that one head had cracks on two of the rocker stud mounts. So he then had to machine the stud mounts down and install screw in studs. I didn't like the looks of the fix so I decided to keep searching for another set.
I kept searching on the internet and finally found a set at a machine/race shop in Pennsylvania that was date correct (even closer to my originals than the first set, within a couple of days), cleaned, magnafluxed, and unmolested. I did have to pay more money but at least I now have something that is good from the start.
So the moral is.....keep looking and make sure you buy something that isn't junk.