Flat, satin, medium gloss, gloss, etc...my lay definitions; satin looks like flat gloss, medium gloss looks like a medium gloss, gloss looks like gloss & suede looks like painted glitter. Any more information than that and I'll have to start charging admission. My point is (& please Scott-I mean absolutely no disrespect!), this is a simple research topic and any more information than that simply clouds the issue. Plain and simple, one or more of these finishes above were used on the interior of our cars. So far we have John's car which is painted med gloss, Steve who stated he has also seen them painted in satin, and then there's Bill who's opinions we highly value; "its suede-get over it". Let's not forget that Bill's comment is also backed by R-M data.
So, with everything that has been discussed is anyone willing to take a stand as to what the accepted finish/finishes should be? Or should we just say the %ell with it and what ever you end up with from your painter will work at all major judged events?