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Thanks, William!So is that considered adequate documentation in a model specific Camaro meet.
Scott - I thought about asking you to interperate Bill's R-M quote in lay terms so someone like me can understand what it means. I'd like to take it one step farther; would you be willing to shoot us a sample as per the same R-M and post pics so we all know what this finish should look like. I know this is asking a lot but is this request doable? I am very interested to see how close the results are to the finish on Charlie's car.
This R-M data is the same language that PPG has on their paint charts. I posted it before and got called out on it saying you can't go by what was printed on PPG charts and I was a fool for thinking that was correct. Thanks William for the information !!
Scott I'm talking about the Suede finish being used on the rear package tray area. I forgot who it was but they said that being on PPG paint charts didn't make it true. It plainly states on the chart that the rear window trim is -0- Gloss.
Here's a link showing William's R-M book reference. http://documents.clubexpress.com/documents.ashx?key=Mn9lNR5oNp9Osk1Oybo9zXiUl8H2ZPEfYNR%2fojqMOY6daTf3pOKmoYhGMkL2rkQ%2f
I see the pics just fine. Can anybody else see the pics ? The pics are from a 69 and two 68's.