Greetings everyone,
I'm new here and just want to share my little story as a proud, but way to short, owner of a 1969 Camaro. Its a drama, so bring out those tissues. It happened two days ago.
I live in Sweden and was tipped off by my father about this six cylinder '69, rather rough edged, but reasonable priced beauty selling on our version of Craiglist.
After a few days of thinking, I gave the seller a call.
According to him, the car was recently imported from Houston, Texas, had a TH350 automatic, rough paint but very little rust (a few larger rust holes in the right side).
Didn't have the opportunity to check it out straight away, had shifts at work and later my father managed to pull his back.
A few weeks went by, mostly filled with work and research here on CRG and other sites.
Oh, so many fun facts... Easy to get snowed in.
Finally, we managed to get a good look at it. It was indeed rough on the paint, sun destroyed but the seller didn't lie about the rust, a little crash bump on front left fender. This car had potential.
Once I managed to overcome the roughness, I wanted it. The seller and I managed to agree on a price and gave him a few bucks, needed the upcoming pay check to get it.
This Saturday, me, my father and his friend went on the road to pick it up. The weather was perfect, clear blue sky and 15 degrees Celsius.
Got the pink slip and of we went.
We didn't get very far before some problems occured, some heavy shaking's. First stop: tighting all tyres and noticing some leakage from gas tank. Ugh...
We gave it a new try, the shakes where gone, but not for long. The heavy shakes wouldn't go away, so we pulled over to a road diner and got ourselves some bad version of cheese burgers.
Switching left front tyre and a quick check on the warm drum brake. It didn't retract perfectly.
Third try, no shakes, so the ride went on perfectly in the afternoon sun. Just perfect. Absolut perfect. Back into an american car for the first time in 10-15 years.
Arriving to my home town, the looks started to appear. The look on a 4-5 year old boy trying to walk over a traffic light while staring at the car making his dad having to help him a bit, was just priceless.
Report from our follow car said the dad had been pointing at the car later on. Made me smile hugely.
Stopping and standing around and chatting for a good two hour or so, after the trip, a teenage band walks by and when one of the boys shouting exciting "OH, what a cool car!", I knew my buy wasn't bad.
Yesterday we showed the car for my brother, who's more into racing and cars in general then me...
He was surprised and wanted to use it while learning to drive...
This morning, my dad wakes me up, telling me the car is gone. Stolen.
Immediatly, an empty feeling sets in, I can't believe its true. My car, just gone. Sickness starts to set in.
Dad went to work and soon the car was reported stolen to the police and the insurance company.
Now I'm on my way back home, feeling sick, empty and sad, writing this on the train. Tears almost setting in.
Too bad the world will most likely lose yet a six cylinder "Plain Jane, Granny milk wagon" beauty...
Some technical info about the car
VIN: 123379N580997
Cowl tag
ST 69 12437, NOR229377 BDY
TR 715, 51 51 PNT
01B, X11
L22, 250cu
Partial VIN: 19N580997
engine code: .... BD
Two days later, frustration/angry phase has developed to a sad one...
Love, Tommy