Greetings Jon,
Great thanks for the considerable effort you've made towards the end of assisting me concerning the cage configuration. Hugely appreciative I am, whereas I've just picked up supplies to make a very determined go of the cage beyond that seen to date. Again, I'm quite at a loss for words concerning the value of the input afforded me. I hope to capture another image of the cage and chassis to confirm said input was acted upon. Cage fabrication is fun - undeniable 'value-added' concerning the '...well, can you communicate to me just what you did?' angle, and quite satisfying to execute. Given the '70 Autodynamics Challenger project features about the most fiendishly complex period cage I can identify, I view this as a run up of sorts to that effort.
Indeed - what a strange configuration for the 'missing two of the four point' roll cage! I intend to start from the front outriggers and build back, replicating how the bars mate up to these first, then proceed aft. Not sure how much original material I'll save, whereas plates for the base of each contact point of the cage are simple to fabricate and will be added. Hollow tube with brass rod to prevent flexing and sagging. Fishmouth tube to tube final fitting all done by hand; i.e. just like the actual cage, simply done in 1:18th scale. A bread board with a few nails tapped into it is my 'mandrel' and 'jig' both, whereas for something that hasn't a cage, file cards folded in half are cut and cut again to smoothly mesh into roof and side interior contours when the same is required. My '70 Penske Donohue Javelin has a cage scratchbuilt in this fashion, and far superior it is to a two-piece cast 'tube' affair.
Thanks too for the pair of trunk photographs. No grassy knoll photographs then? Memories too of the film Blow Up. Amazing how in a burst photographers might gather around, be intrigued by unexpected access to an atypical sight, and finally, to have two photographs emerging from that same moment with the passage of years. With very much appreciation...
Mike K.