Thanks to this thread and those who have helped me, I have been in touch with Ed and purchased a shield from him. It's currently on the slow-boat to me here in Australia.. I look forward to receiving it soon. Thank you.
However, as I prepare for it's installation, I noted in the FAIM (C60-B4) that the screw #9420825 is not available through AMK..
Can somebody who has an original screw post some details and especially a picture -if possible, so I can order the closest available.
Hex size, flanged?, thread size, pitch, with self tapping flute?, UHL (under head length) and finish.
Going by P. Washer #9419275 (currently available from AMK as B-11266) and the 0.277-0.281" diameter holes to be drilled, I'm assuming a 5/16-18 with a tapping flute in an oil/phosphate finish.
Thanks again.