Dusk Blue Z,
Your tag number "7602" decodes as Group 2.525: "Harness, Engine Wiring, 6297602, 1968/8 cyl with console gauges / SUP 6295217". I checked my Chevrolet Parts History Index, and 6297602 superseded 6295217 on 2/69. Now, we all know that the engine wiring harness was lime green. I guess they used an excess 1968 engine harness on your 69Z? Was it an early 69 build date?
68Zproject, here you go based on the data you gave above:
Group 2.525, Engine wiring harness, 6297638, Tag "7638", Tag Color = Lime green.
Group 2.480, Forward lamp and Delcotron wiring harness, 6295058, Tag "5058", Tag Color = unknown.
Group 2.480, Instrument Panel Wiring Harness, 6295244 (superseded 6295060 on 11/68), Tag "5244" or "5060" (as applicable by date), Tag Color = unknown.
Group 13.090, Body wiring harness, 7720067, Tag "0067", Tag Color = White.