Mark makes a very good point.
When I removed the sub frame and rebuiilt the front end and engine of the car, my original vacuum canisters were working. However, I figured being almost 40 yrs old, the diaphragms were probably on borrowed time and while the front end was completly disassembled this would be the perfect time to replace them.
I removed the originals, boxed them up and put them away. The aftermarket replacements that I got did not have the problem with the rod being the wrong above are with the replacemetn canisters you can see the doors close and the gaps are as they should be.
The issue(s) I did have were that the vacuum hose connections on the canisters were at a different angle (approx 90 degrees) orientation from the original whch created a fitment issue between the connection on the cannister and the mounting bracket for the cannisters. Once I worked around that, it all worked (and still does) just fine. Although it took a while to create a work around for the wrong angle connectors. You shouldn't have to deal with these sorts of issues....but aftermarket quality is often suspect at best. In thi.s case, my guess is that these cannisters are sold for more than one application and not just '69RS.
Aftermarket stuff is often close but not correct....and close only counts in hand grenades and nuclear war.