Author Topic: Who wants to have their 67 and 68 Camaro on the Home Page for May?  (Read 3089 times)


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Hey guys, the first one to send me a pic of your 67 and 68 Camaro will be the honorary Camaro of the month for May.  I have some pics, but they are anonymous.  I would rather uses Camaros that have been submitted with the owner's name.  So, if you have a 67 or 68 Camaro, send me a pic and everyone will get to see your Camaro when they come to visit our site.  Please remember to send me your name along with your photos so everyone will know who owns that totally cool Camaro.  Even if you are not the very first one, I will put you in the line-up and you I promise, you WILL see your Camaro in the coming months.  As for your 69 guys, please send them to me as well.  I do have enough for a little while, but I will always take your submissions and put them in the line-up.  If you want a particular month (Like maybe your for your birthday, or your wedding anniversay) send me your photo along with a note stating when you would like to see your Camaro.  Just imagine the looks from your wife when you show her that for her annivesary you posted a photo of your Camaro on the Home Page of  I am sure it will be a gift she will always remember...and never let you forget.  So please send them in.

Send your photos to:

Thanks guys,
