funny you should ask. I just bought a "chevrolet radio parts catalog" P&A 5B effective sept 1973.
here is the general instructions from page 2;
The Radio Parts Catalog contains a complete alphabetical listing of all Radio
parts serviced by Chevrolet Motor Division.
The part number of each Radio set is printed on the tag that is attached to
the inside of the cover of the receiver. The part number of the Antenna may
be determined by the Radio Unit number.
The identification tag on which the Serial number is shown, is attached to
the tuner frame, inside the Radio case,directly under the cover and must be
removed for the replacement of tubes. Radios shipped from Delco Radio
Division prior to October 14, 1957, lacked identification tags, thus no Serial
numbers are available for these Radios.
By referring to the chart on page5 you will find a listing showingthe Unit
number, Antenna number, Antenna Type, Radio Set number, code number,
Year model, and description.
Information for each part is arranged in order by Codenumber, followed by
the noun description and the part number. Code numbers separated by a
hyphen indicate inclusive usage. Code numbers separated by a comma
indicate usage applicable only to the specific Code numbers listed.
When ordering Radio parts, it is only necessaryto know the Code number of
the Radio and only the Antenna number is required when ordering Antenna
When ordering a speaker for a 985264 Radio you will find by referring
to the following chart that the Code number is 84. By referring to the
Alphabetical Index under "Speaker" which is listed under Group 9.650,
you will find Code number 84, after which part number 1219970 is
shown as the part number for the speaker.
From page 5:
Unit Antenna Antenna Radio Code
No. No. Type Set No. Radio Type No. Year Model
986198 986204 Front 986202 Push Button 120 1965 Chevelle
986316 986319 Rear 986202 Push Button 120 1965 Chevelle
(Spt. Cpe.
& Conv.)
986206 986208 Rear 986202 Push Button 120 1965 Chevelle
986200 986204 Front 986203 AM/FM Push Button 121 1965 Chevelle
986317 986319 Rear 986203 AM/FM Push Button 121 1965 Chevelle
(Spt. Cpe.
& Conv.)
986207 986208 Rear 986203 AM/FM Push Button 121 1965 Chevelle
986112 986114 Front 986113 Manual 122 1965 Corvair
986119 986120 Rear 986113 Manual 122 1965 Corvair
986115 986114 Front 986116 Push Button 123 1965 Corvair
986121 986120 Rear 986116 Push Button 123 1965 Corvair
986117 986114 Front 986118 AM/FM Push Button 124 1965 Corvair
986112 986120 Rear 986118 AM/FM Push Button 124 1965 Corvair
986247 986309 Front 986248 Manual 125 1965 Chevy
986253 986307 Rear 986248 Manual 125 1965 Chevy
986249 986309 Front " 986250 Push Button 126 1965 Chevy
986254 986307 Rear 986250 Push Button 126 1965 Chevy
986251 986309 Front 986252 AM/FM Push Button 127 1965 Chevy
986255 986307 Rear 986252 AM/FM Push Button 127 1965 Chevy
986280 986305 Rear 986281 AM/FM Push Button 128 1965 Corvette
986300 986301 Front 986330 Manual 129 1965 Truck
(exc. Tilt)
986327 985473 Front 986330 Manual 129 1965 Tilt
986340 985444 Front 986338 Manual 130 1965 Greeobrier
986341 985917 Front 986339 Manual 131 1965 G10
986539 986097 Front 986544 Manual 132 1966 Pass.
986671 986674 Rear 986544 Manual 132 1966 Pass.
986540 986097 Fron 986545 Push Button 133 1966 Pass.
986672 986674 Rear , 986545 Push Button 133 1966 Pass.
986541 986464 S,S. Front 986546 AM/FM Push Button 134 1966 Pass.
986524 986204 Front 986527 Manual 135 1966 Chevelle
986662 986667 Rear 986527 Manual 135 1966 Chevelle
986525 986204 Front 986528 Push Button 136 1966 Chevelle
986664 986667 Rear 986528 Push Button 136 1966 Chevelle
986526 986463 S.S. Front 986529 AM/FM Push Button 137 1966 Chevelle
986112 986114 Front 986113 Manual 122 1966 Corvair
986683 986685 Rear 986113 Manual 122 1966 Corvair
986115 986114 Front 986116 Push Button 123 1966 Corvair
986684 986685 Rear 986116 Push Button 123 1966 Corvair
986480 986462 S.S. Front 986118 AM/FM Push Button 124 1966 Corvair
986516 986519 Front 986521 Manual 138 1966 Chevy
986680 986682 Rear 986521 Manual 138 1966 Chevy
986517 986519 Front 986522 Push Button 139 1966 Chevy
986681 986682 Rear 986522 Push Button 139 1966 Chevy
9864}6 986305 Rear (Elect.) 986281 Push Button 128 1966 Corvette
986478 986305 Rear (Elect.) 986281 Push Button 128 1966 Corvette
986770 985917 Front 986769 Manual 140 1966 G10
986772 986301 Front 986771 Manual 141 1966 Truck
(exc. Tilt)
986773 985473 Front 986771 Manual 141 1966-67 Tilt
986860 986925 Front 986863 Manual 142 1967-69 Corvair
986923 986926 Rear 986863 Manual 142 1967 Corvair
986861 986925 Front 986864 Push Button 14:3"" 1967-69 Corvair
986924 986926 Rear 986864 Push Button 143 1967 Corvair
986862 986927 Front 986865 AM/FM Push Button 144 1967-69 Corvair
986834 986819 Front 986835 Manual 145 1967 Camaro
986855 986825 Rear 986835 Manual 145 1967 Camaro
986848 986819 Front 986823 Push Button 146 1967 Camaro
986820 986825 Rear 986823 Push Button 146 1967 Camara
986821 986822 Front 986824 AM/FM Push Button 147 1967 Camaro
986866 986900 Front 986868 Manual 148 1967 Chevy
986903 986901 Rear 986868 Manual . 148 1967 Chevy
986867 986900 Front 986869 Push Button 149 1967 Chevy
986904 986901 Rear 986869 Push Button 149 1967 Chevy
986849 986902 Front 986852 Manual 150 1967 Chevelle
986905 987039 Rear 986852 Manual 150 1967 - Chevelle
986850 986902 Front 986853 Push Button 151 1967 Chevelle
986908 987039 Rear 986853 Push Button 151 1967 Chevelle
I'm sorry about the columns but I couldn't get my scans to attach to the post and i had to cut and paste.
hope this helps.