its a custom ground lunati... the published specs make it look smaller in duration than the 30-30... but if you were to map out the entire valve cycle, you'd see that above .100 lobe lift... it has more duration than both the 30-30 and even the 140 offroad cam...
just to compare....
at .020 lobe lift, the 30-30 measured at 314... mine measures at 272.... thats 38 degrees less duration although not exactly fair because the 30-30 lash hasn't even been taken up yet, and my cam is a tight lash with .016 on the cam card.....
so to do an exact comparison of overlap... you'd have to measure the 30-30 cam at .016 lobe lift.. which is way too tight to lash that cam... or measure them from when the lash is taken up on each cam individually... to do that, i'd have to know how many degrees of duration the 30-30 has at .030 lobe lift...
anyway... at .050 the 30-30 is 254 and mine is 243..... so you can see how much more agressive the flanks are on my cam...
at .100 lobe lift and above.... my new cam is bigger in duration... and it has a max valve lift (with 1.5 rockers) of .518
basically... my cam keeps the valve on the seat longer, which translates to more compression... and opens it at a much faster rate, which increases the velocity, keeps the valve open alot longer, and then closes it almost as gentle as the OE cam....which keeps the seats, valves, rockers, etc. nice and safe. This cam has asymetrical lobes just like the 30-30 does.
also mine is on a 108 LSA as opposed to the 114 of the 30-30...