I have never seen a DiChromate treated Cad coil bracket.
Pronunciation: \(ˌ)dī-ˈkrō-ˌmāt, ˈdī-krō-\
Function: noun
Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary
Date: circa 1864
: a usually orange to red chromium salt containing the anion Cr2O72− <dichromate of potassium> —called also bichromate
The DiChro treatment of a Cad or Zinc plated part turns the part the Yellow color,,,,,or Burns i brown with excessive duration
I believe that list incorrectly uses the term.
Go ahead and purchase the Cadwell system, It works well if you can manufactue a power supply, properly prep your parts, handle the Chem.
Otherwise find a jobber or industrial plater who will handle hobby parts.
Coil bracket should be Bright Cad, I swear some of them even look galvanized?