I've always done my adjustments with the engine hot (warm), but not running.... ie. warm it up, then shut it down and do the adjustment.... you can do them one cylinder at a time, OR do the exhaust valves for the cylinders in FRONT of the one you're doing, and the two intake valves for the ones having just fired... ie. do that for cylinders 1, 3, , 7 positioned at TDC.... I haven't seen any difference when doing the adjustment this way, so long as you can properly keep up with the valves you've adjusted (I suggest writint them down, marking them off as adjusted) ..

. To save time, the 3 engine positions and valves to adjust at each position are shown below:
1) Engine at cyl 1 at TDC: adjust 1E, 1I, 8E, 4E, 7I, 2I,
2) Engine at cyl 3 to TDC: adjust 3E, 3I, 6E, 5E, 8I, 4I
3) Engine at cyl 7 at TDC: adjust 7E, 7I, 6I, 5I, 2E, 1E
(Note: this procedure only requires checikng the 7- Int and 1-Exh valves at the cyl 7 TDC position, since they have already been adjusted.)