Just curious how far apart the cast date is/could be from the stamped date on the tube??
(This is a 10-bolt rear from a 1968 Camaro, ... 3.08:1 posi )
If I'm reading the cast date clearly, ...I believe it's " F 26 7 ", ...where the stamped date is " PE 0918 G1 ".
If I'm correct, ...that's June 26th '67 cast vs. Sept. 18th stamped. That's about a 2 1/2 month spread which seems like a lot to me, ...but maybe it's 'typical'?
Related, ...these are the numbers off the ring gear: " 1 GM 3790629 12 37 9 67 ", ...which (9 67) seems to match the stamped date.
Thanks in advance for any info,