Many years ago, late night freeway, gave it a quick wot squirt to valve float @ about 6500, which with the 3.55 rear is about 130mph, more than double the speed limit.
As soon as I felt the valve float I shut down the throttle letting the engine pull the knots off. Then, my heart stops as I see blue lights in the rear view!
"I am sooo dead, they're going to lock me and the car up and throw the key away! How the hell did I miss them!!!"
Cop walks up to the window and says, "Do you realise you were doing 80mph just back there". My heart restarts as I splutter back "Oh really" [choke] " about that, don't drive this car much, kinda gets away on you".
I then realise that he has come onto the freeway via the overpass I had just gone under and missed me hitting 130.
I behaved myself for a looong time after that!