I read through the threads on this, but I wanted to try and clarify something about the replacement engine mounts. I have the original frame stands verfied by the part #s still on them and I bought engine mounts from Rick's for the original frame stands. The confusion lies in the discussions about the interlocking engine mounts not fitting the frame stands not made for the new interlocking engine mounts. Was this meant for the 69 engine mounts not being used with 68 frame stands? Or would all the new mounts that are now the interlocking design need to be used with 69 type frame stands? In a previous post, someone said that the replacement engine mounts were all the interlocking kind now and I got confused with whether the 68 engine mount replacements were now the same as the 69 engine mounts or still different. The engine mounts I purchased were for the original 1968 frame stands. Thanks.