Couple of thoughts, they just look right on the 69. I replace my orginal (which is being stored) with a repop "Corvette Style" wheel. It looked great, however two of the spokes pulled away from the rim. I would stay away from the repops.
I've since replace it with what is suppose to be a 69 Corvette wheel and it's perfect. Nothing like "Genuine GM".
Good to know on the repro'd rim. I have never liked the wood grain wheel (love the design
HATE the fakey molded plastic woodgrain) and always thought the "cushion-grip" (or "comfort-grip" in one prefers) was a better choice. Since I am working on a colored interior I thought one that was color keyed would be cool. Now I know that the wheel never came on Camaros (let alone in colors)...so I have a choice:
1) put it on because I think it is cool
and listen to all of the Camaro Police and "experts"
(even the real ones like CRG members) kibitz about the car
or2) leave it off in favor of a more correct wheel
and not listen to all of the kibitzing.
For those who are going to contribute the thought that it is my car and I can do what I want - I appreciate your input and support but I am aware of that line of thinking - I just have to decide if it is worth continually listening to the constant kibitzing everytime I put the car where it can be seen.