1969 production started sometime during August 1968. Tags are dated 08, 08A, 08D, 08E. Exactly when they started isn't known. The earliest drive train date is an August 13 Flint engine so figure about a week later. Schedule codes on 08 tags started with A and ended at 08E/I350 or so. A-I suggests 9 production days, maybe started August 20.
When the calendar rolled over to September, they didn't start over with schedule codes. 09A tags started with J and possibly ended with R. I have no O or Q examples but there may have been some. Definitely some confusion going on there as R-day builds can be 09A or 09D. S-day builds can be 09B or 09D. Still building 09D cars in October, mixed with 10A. That's how they got to X.
Got it together in October but must have worked some overtime and ran out of alphabet. Started using symbols followed by three numbers: %000, &000, -000, ½000, *000. Started over with A. So some October cars with an A schedule code were built 35 days apart. There's a few 09D cars with an A schedule code; September 30th was a Monday.
The rest of the production run was much better organized, until the strike starting April 28. The last 1,000 cars, with 04D or 05A tags, were built in late June.