More on Evaporust... I had not used this product before, but saw some incredible results Chick (68camaroz28) discussed in his build thread, so thought I would give it a try...
Original spare tire wing nut and hold down, shown here, were believed to be a lost cause...
They were first given a long bath in Evaporust, then a good brushing with nylon toothbrush. The first treatment got the tire hook surprisingly clean, and brought the wingnut to about 90-95% (considering these were in pretty bad shape). Additional treatment of the wingnut was necessary to focus on pockets and corners around the weld nut. This took several cycles of repeat soaking, alternated with increasingly aggressive techniques as needed... from nylon brush to brass, and later to steel brush... from toothpicks and popsicle sticks, to steel picks & scrapers, etc.
"BEFORE" photo #1: