I'm thinking that your correct. It's occurred to me that if I was to use a NOS fuel pump it should be rebuilt. My understanding is that Fred Ballard is the go to guy for crimp style fuel pumps.
Here's an opinion that I saved from an ebay listing:
All ORIGINAL, and CORRECT AC Fuel Pumps have two 1/8” (.125) vent/weep holes
in the AC housing located above the Diaphram so that WHEN the diaphram FAILS,
the Gasoline will be vented OUTSIDE of the Fuel Pump. Check ALL of the Asian,
Offshore, PHONEY Domestic Fuel Pumps for these two Vent/Weep holes!!
Without these two Vent/Weep holes the the Gasoline WILL contaminate the
Crankcase, resulting is CATASTROPHIC Main and Rod Bearing FAILURE !!