After doing a search on this site, it seems 67-69 396 tailpanel blackout gloss %, the masking locations, and use on Tuxedo Black cars is sporatic.
Also according to the exterior section of this site, "Black SS-396 cars would not have received the (semi-gloss) blacked-out tailpans. But it should be noted that a few original paint black SS-396's have been observed with blacked-out tailpanels - the paint difference is only visible at the paint tape line."
My question is specifically for those who have owned or inspected original paint Tuxedo Black 1967 396 Norwood cars.
Have original paint Tuxedo Black 1967 396 Norwood Camaros been observed with separate blacked out tailpanels?
I'm not concerned with LOS cars, or 68-69 models.
Photo evidence with tapelines, or lack thereof are much appreciated.