Author Topic: WIN A NEW 1967 CAMARO! Documenting Sweepstakes Contests & Raffles from 1966/1967  (Read 124004 times)


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Everyone likes to win free stuff, right?  Well, it turns out that when the Camaro was first introduced for the 1967 model year, hundreds of people won brand new 1967 Camaros via many different forms of contests, sweepstakes, games and raffles.  Not only were they given away free to keep but sometimes the prize was the ability of the winner to drive a brand new 1967 Camaro for a pre-determined amount of time.  That amount of time could have been anywhere between a couple of days all the way up to an entire year. 

Multiple different kinds of entities were giving away brand new 1967 Camaros during the Fall of 1966 on through the Winter, Spring and Summer of 1967.  A small sampling includes large national supermarket chains, oil companies and Chevrolet itself.  Smaller businesses and organizations like local Chevrolet dealers, radio stations and fund raising interests also got in on the act.  In addition to all of the print, radio, television and outdoor advertising done by Chevrolet itself, these exciting promotional tie-ins helped to keep the public interested in the newly introduced Camaro.

This thread will document these giveaway model year 1967 Camaros through newspaper articles, advertisements, photos and memorabilia associated with each particular contest.  Through my research I have not only been able to find a copious amount of information about these sweepstakes, contests, games and raffles but in several cases I have been able to put a name and sometimes a face to those who actually won them so many decades ago.

Perhaps you may remember a family member, friend, co-worker, neighbor or even yourself participating in or even winning one of these contests.  If so, please share your recollections.

Separate threads will also be created for 1968 and 1969 model year Camaro contests.  Stay tuned.

A lot of what I will post was located at but I will identify the other digital newspaper repositories and other web sites where applicable.   To identify the particular newspaper, date they were published and where they were each located simply consult the file name under the image.


I don't have a 1st Gen but I have 1971 Z28 RS 4-spd, 1997 Z28 Z4C 6-spd, 2000 SS Convertible, 2010 RS 6-spd


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Barrel of Fun Sweepstakes

Chronologically, the first contest to appear was The Barrel of Fun Sweepstakes put on by supermarket stores that had offered Top Value Stamps to their customers.  These stores included Kroger, Adams Super Markets, Winn-Dixie, Red & White Food Stores, Market Basket, Kwik-Chek, Star Market, Win-Ding and Humpty Dumpty.  There were probably more but these are the ones I was able to find advertisements and articles for.  The first mention of this contest appeared on September 14, 1966, two weeks before the Camaro was able to be seen and/or purchased by the public on September 29, 1966. 

Also notice the second and third advertisements show a car underneath a cover.  The words over the image state, "It's New!  It's Coming Soon!"  These appeared on September 22nd and September 29, 1966 respectively.

40 Camaros would be given away in this contest alone.
I don't have a 1st Gen but I have 1971 Z28 RS 4-spd, 1997 Z28 Z4C 6-spd, 2000 SS Convertible, 2010 RS 6-spd


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Barrel of Fun Sweepstakes

I don't have a 1st Gen but I have 1971 Z28 RS 4-spd, 1997 Z28 Z4C 6-spd, 2000 SS Convertible, 2010 RS 6-spd


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Barrel of Fun Sweepstakes

1, 2 & 4)
« Last Edit: March 31, 2021, 10:55:10 PM by SMKZ28 »
I don't have a 1st Gen but I have 1971 Z28 RS 4-spd, 1997 Z28 Z4C 6-spd, 2000 SS Convertible, 2010 RS 6-spd


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Barrel of Fun Sweepstakes

Here we find out some of the winners.


I don't have a 1st Gen but I have 1971 Z28 RS 4-spd, 1997 Z28 Z4C 6-spd, 2000 SS Convertible, 2010 RS 6-spd


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Barrel of Fun Sweepstakes

More winners..

I don't have a 1st Gen but I have 1971 Z28 RS 4-spd, 1997 Z28 Z4C 6-spd, 2000 SS Convertible, 2010 RS 6-spd


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Barrel of Fun Sweepstakes

Even more winners..
I don't have a 1st Gen but I have 1971 Z28 RS 4-spd, 1997 Z28 Z4C 6-spd, 2000 SS Convertible, 2010 RS 6-spd


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Chicago Tribune Sports Car Football Game

To coincide with the 1966 National Football League season, the Chicago Tribune newspaper ran a contest called the Sports Car Football Game.  Each week, a different brand new 1967 sports car would be given away to the winner.  While the winners in the Barrel of Fun Sweepstakes received base 1967 Camaros, the winner in the first week of this particular contest received a brand new 1967 Camaro RS/SS 350! 

Notice that the first and second image were published on September 25, 1966, four days before the official on sale date of the Camaro.

In my research I did notice that in the following weeks a 1967 Cougar and a 1967 Mustang would be given away.
I don't have a 1st Gen but I have 1971 Z28 RS 4-spd, 1997 Z28 Z4C 6-spd, 2000 SS Convertible, 2010 RS 6-spd


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Hampton Chevrolet

The "Camaro Contest" put on by this particular dealership allowed "5 lucky winners" to "drive a Camaro free for one week."

Notice that the first ad gave a glimpse of the front end of the Camaro.  It was published on September 26, 1966, three days before the official on sale date.
I don't have a 1st Gen but I have 1971 Z28 RS 4-spd, 1997 Z28 Z4C 6-spd, 2000 SS Convertible, 2010 RS 6-spd


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Redd's Chevy

Here is another dealership that offered a "chance to drive one for a week as our guest."

Notice that this ad was published on the day the Camaro went on sale, September 29, 1966.
I don't have a 1st Gen but I have 1971 Z28 RS 4-spd, 1997 Z28 Z4C 6-spd, 2000 SS Convertible, 2010 RS 6-spd


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Baierl Chevrolet

"Win a New Camaro"
"Nothing to buy!"
I don't have a 1st Gen but I have 1971 Z28 RS 4-spd, 1997 Z28 Z4C 6-spd, 2000 SS Convertible, 2010 RS 6-spd


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Westminster Shopping Center

Even shopping centers got in on the act.  Notice that the winner would be "announced over WTTR...and in The Evening Sun..."  Broadcast and newspaper respectively.
I don't have a 1st Gen but I have 1971 Z28 RS 4-spd, 1997 Z28 Z4C 6-spd, 2000 SS Convertible, 2010 RS 6-spd


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Leonards Department Store

Interesting how they don't just call it a Camaro.  They mention the name of the dealer as well when they state, "It's Free!  A new 1967 Jack Williams Camaro Chevrolet!"

The last one reveals the winner.
I don't have a 1st Gen but I have 1971 Z28 RS 4-spd, 1997 Z28 Z4C 6-spd, 2000 SS Convertible, 2010 RS 6-spd


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Cactus Pete's Casino

This was the only item I could find for this particular casino contest.

I don't have a 1st Gen but I have 1971 Z28 RS 4-spd, 1997 Z28 Z4C 6-spd, 2000 SS Convertible, 2010 RS 6-spd


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Take a Camaro Command Drive Promotion

I found this to be very interesting.  An article published on October 23, 1966 details the following about the "Take a Camaro Command Drive Promotion"

"4 week campaign to promote the Camaro around Cincinnati"
"85% production at Norwood"
"Grand award will be a new Camaro"
"You may also win the use of a Camaro for a month"
"13 Camaros - one from each Cincinnati metro dealer"
"250 Cincinnati buyers will have their cars built to exact spec at Norwood plant.  These custom built Camaros, each bearing a personalized name plate, will be delivered at a luncheon and plant tour."
"Winners announced on Camaro Night at Royals basketball game" (NBA franchise at the time)

3) Facebook

I don't have a 1st Gen but I have 1971 Z28 RS 4-spd, 1997 Z28 Z4C 6-spd, 2000 SS Convertible, 2010 RS 6-spd