Over a year ago, I purchased a volt meter to replace the ammeter in my '68 console gauge set up but am just getting to it now. I am using the original factory harness.
There are at least two versions of this volt meter. There is the one made by American Autowire and there is another made by AC Delco. I went with the AC Delco that I bought from Heartbeat City for two reasons. One, it was less than half the price of the AAW, and two, the font looked closer to the original gauges. In pictures I've seen of the AAW version, the font seemed a little thinner than the originals. Not quite as bold. Maybe that's just my perception.
Today was the first time I compared the AC Delco volt meter to the original ammeter I want to replace and two things bothered me. One, the brushed aluminum face of the AC Delco is lighter in color than the original gauges and I think it's going to stand out.....And two, there are three studs/terminals on the back of the new volt meter (at 3, 6, and 9 o'clock) and there are only two on the original ammeter (at 12 and 6 o'clock). This means I would have to drill the gauge mounting plate at 3 and 9 o'clock to mount the new volt meter. AC Delco knows this and gives you a template to do so but I'm not so crazy about doing that.
So my questions are to anyone who has used the AAW version....
1) Was the brushed aluminum face of the AAW the same color and shade as your other three original gauges? (So that it didn't stand out!)
2) Did the font on the AAW match your other three original gauges? (So that it didn't stand out!)
3) Did you have to drill your gauge mounting plate to mount the AAW?