Tale of two engines: the one in the car when it was acquired and its replacement which is ready to go in now (once the car's main dash harness is replaced among other things underneath the dash. We just don't trust 50+year old wiring).
Pad Stamp (unfortunately our car was delivered to Central Chevrolet in Columbia, SC in June, 1969)
Partial VIN at filter boss (our VIN is 124379N658489)
Crank casting #
Camshaft casting #
These were in the engine in the car when purchased at auction in 2014....a fresh rebuild which may have 1000 miles on it. From the very beginning this engine leaked at the rear main and continued to do so despite repeated in-car replacements of the seal.
After cleaning up the cylinders and resolving the seal leak it will be reassembled as a short block and offered for sale.
Its replacement is ready to go in the car (of course an 010 block, cast date 6 days before assembly):