Good to see your response. The absence of floating pin may have been cause of the first loss as pin appeared to be locked into piston. Upon dismantling motor, this was something we thought was odd as the 302 was or had always been known to have full floating pins on rods and pistons. The second CE motor did have the pink rods and full floats. This motor developed oil consumption problem with the chrome rings. We could never seat these GM rings. Last effort after I left the Chevy house, my zone rep issued me a fitted block and I transferred all over to this case. Again, that motor had floating pins on rods.
To this date, nothing was ever mentioned about the pressed on rods on a 302 nor was it ever suspected. One rod broke iin mid section and took lower half of case out. All of this happened as I was behind the parts counter so I never got to see total tear down, just broken pieces. The second motor , I was warranty clerk and got to witness that tear down, and write the claim with zone approval.