Almost 50 years ago late in the summer of 1969, I received a call from the Ford Motor Company asking me if we would be interested in helping them out with the filming of a movie. Their movie was called Ford Flat Out and they needed footage from the last race of the season taking place in Riverside California. At first, I thought it must be some kind of a joke, but after they assured me that everything was on the up and up so I told them to show me the money.
Anyway, they did come through with the cash so we were off to California..... But first, a stop at Ford Carcraft in Detroit to have cameras and sound gear installed then after a long haul to Riverside qualified well and ran a strong race but 5-minute stops for film change prevented us from having a good finish.
Sadly the race didn't go well for Ford as Mark Donahue ended up winning the race and the championship, but they did get some good footage for their movie.
Here is a link to some photos of our adventure...