Thanks for posting these photos of what is most likely the first of two Cherokee show cars. There are several photos that I have never seen before. Love it! I'm really glad you posted the interior shot confirming that this early car was in fact equipped with a 4-speed manual transmission and roll-up windows. I am also intrigued to see that in all of the shots of the car inside the GM Design Center there is no mention of the name "Cherokee" anywhere on the car or on the front or back license plates. Interesting that it just says "1967 Chevrolet Camaro SS 396". Five days after these pictures were taken this concept Camaro would be shown to the public at the Chicago Auto Show which was held Saturday, February 25th through Sunday, March 5th, 1967. At this show the car would be wearing a different set of license plates which are not the same as the one's in your photos dated 2/20/67 nor do they mention the name "Cherokee". Unfortunately I have yet to decipher just what name the car was given for this appearance. It wasn't until the New York Auto Show which took place Saturday, April 1st through Sunday, April 9th, 1967 that the name "Cherokee" is displayed on the Camaro.
Please check out other questions, pictures and information concerning this Camaro concept/show car (Cherokee #1) in my thread on 1966/1967 Auto Shows.
Replies #51 through 56 on page 4: #74 on page 5: #76 and #82 on page 6: #93 and #94 on page 7: are the photos that show the undecipherable name given to the car at the Chicago Auto Show. Can anyone figure it out?? As I stated in my other thread, I initially thought it said "Carnival" but I can not be sure because of the cursive writing. It certainly does not say Cherokee.