I no longer have the luxury of having an assistant with me to bleed the brakes. The hose-in-a-jar method works most of the time but often air is drawn back in on a slow upstroke through the bleeders threads even if only cracked open a little. A fiend turned me onto this device and it works great. Though the kit comes with a large pressurized jug (hand pump) to hold the brake fluid, I found it cleaner to add fluid to the M/C as I go. Pressurize the hose to 35 PSI with a compressor and open the bleeder with a hose in a jar. I top off the fluid in the M/C after bleeding each line. You'll get a feel for how long you can bleed before topping it off so as not to run too low.
PS. The clamps are my idea for a quick release. The kit supplies small chains to create cap tension.