Look at page 200 of Jerry's 1969 book. John Berry's old car, vin 671208 (mine is 671122). There is a pic of the sticker, and a pic of his vin. John's car got the sticker, and it is an 08A car. My car, just 86 cars earlier, did not get the sticker. I have no other pics, but have talked to at least two others with 08A cars who told me their cars got the vin sticker. The two ribs on the door started showing up in June, I believe. I have never heard of a car prior to 08A getting the sticker.
Don't know why, but about 20 years ago, I was really interested to find more info on when those started. Seems trivial now. I even tracked down John Berry back then, and discussed this with him. I believe he was in Florida at the time.
Only issue with that is on page 200 of Jerrys book that is a reproduction sticker. When I have inquired about that car they said they replaced the original, but failed to take any pics before hand. I have also been told those early stickers did not adhere well, and came off very easily.
There MAY be a 08A car that came with the sticker, but (in my short experience) I have yet to see an original prior to 08E