I have more info that might help this older post on the correct width of the original body mount sealing tape used on the assembly line to seal #3 body mounts and rear shocks for leak testing.
I just obtained a copy of the GM Maintenance Products & Standard Stock Catalog 907 (P&A 24) dated March 1970. Attached, is a photo of the sealing tape listed on page 11 in the Body Service Items section. It appears that GM sold only two widths of sealing tape as service items, in both cloth and paper material: 1 inch and 2-1/2 inch. Because GM most likely wouldn't waste money having a different width sealing tape on the assembly line than what they sold over the counter, we can probably assume that the service tape was identical to the factory assembly line tape. Based on the anecdotal evidence of the various postings on this topic, along with photos of surviving black paper tape portions greater than 1 inch in width in both dimensions, one can probably conclude that the tape used for the leak test body sealing was #5786759, a black paper back tape, 2-1/2 inches wide.