Whether you get your money back, or get the information they have depends on how much you desire to find out the originating dealer for your car.. We can't answer that for you!
I think MOST of us who paid for the service only received the Zone and Dealer Numbers; the thing to know about this is that they DO change, and you have to find the Zone and Dealer No FOR THE TIME YOUR CAR was built (which is the other piece of information provided in the report).
I did quite a bit of research into these numbers when I received my report, and finally verified the Zone and Dealer was as I believed it was originally. I have a friend who is the Parts Mgr at the dealership where I believed my car to have delivered based on the tags on the car; that friend also worked at 2 or 3 other Chevy dealerships in the region over the last 40 yrs. He was able to tell me the current zone numbers, what they mean, and how they are used, as well as PAST zone numbers for the region.
What I (think) I know about Zone Numbers:
*The Zone Nbr corresponds to the Regional Parts Depot supplying the dealership (at the time the car was delivered); as Chevy moves the locations where they stock/supply parts to dealers, those numbers change. Since 1969 for the dealership where my car was sold, the ZONE has changed 4 times! (Parts provided to the dealer shows the ZONE number; if you have any parts purchased from a specific dealership and have the tags associated, you can get the ZONE nbr from those tags.
* The Dealer Nbr seems to change when there is a change of ownership/name for the Dealer. In the case for my car, the dealership ownership has passed down from grandfather, to father to son, but the NAME remains the same, so the dealer number hasn't changed but the ZONE has changed 4 times.
There might be people here on this site that can assist you if you provide enough information. ie. What Zone/dealer/date is on your sheet? Where are you located? Where did you purchase the car? WHERE do you THINK the car was built based on any other evidences?