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I use the poly on the sub frame bushings, but when it comes to suspension, I prefer (and use) plain ole rubber.
I installed new Prothane poly bushings in the leafsprings and I now have buyers remorse. I greased the bushings exactly like was written in the instructions. Even with my best effort, the rear shackles area creaking like an old rocking chair. I called Prothane and the recommendation I tightened the bolts more so it bottoms out on the inner sleeve. I cranked it as tight as I could with a wrench and creaking was slightly less. I’m thinking about going back to rubber. Anyone have any experience either way?
I rebuilt a set of rear leaf springs and used the poly bushings and had the same results. I also added a rear sway bar. I was told how much better it would handle. Put it in a curve with uneven pavement and came extremely close to crashing my car. Today those bushings and sway bar are packed away in my garage.