My 67 doesn't have A/C.
About 20 years ago I broke the defroster lever in my dash heater control, a common problem.
Back then they didn't make a replacement repop, and I ended up fixing it with a tiny piece of metal, a couple of screws, and good ole JB weld.
Before I did the repair I tried to buy a used replacement control set, but the seller sent me a set with A/C controls. I ended up keeping it thinking I might add A/C someday and it would be nice to have.
Now I'm looking at it and I can't figure out how to confirm that it is even from a Camaro, more less specifically a 1967 as advertised back then.
Can anyone tell me about it based on the pictures? I don't see anything that looks like a date code, is there one or am I missing it?
Full size photos are at for any info.