Your welcome, Hope it works out for you.
I talked the AS / AV situation over with Don. I asked about all the correctness, and what was, and what wasn't correct. The AS / AV cables made today DO NOT have the Delco eye!! This deduction was all about the mold and the expense of the mold verses the sales of the cables!!! If we ALL would buy the absolute correct cables, and pay the price, what ever that might be, (I'm GUESSING 75.00 to 100.00 each.), I'm sure we could sweet talk them into building a correct mold.
That said, the AS / AV cables are exactly dead nuts the correct length, the ends are very close, the part number and code are dead nuts. The bolt sizes are both 3/8", (but how many collectors have an original Y77 stashed in their closet?). We are going to Delco, NAPA or whatever and get a battery, and use a topper anyway! So, if you did have the correct 5/16 and 3/8, you would have to make a bushing. With all this crap said, NCRS takes a voluntary deduction for battery and cables. Most judges realize that this is the best that there is available. And, if you do find an NOS cable, you probably won't be able to bend it, or afford it.
American Auto wire.
6297651 AV is pn#22705
6297684 AS is pn#43263