I would strongly question the use of the word *professional* in that sentence..
but probably it was just a screwed up sentence and needs editing... I can't see a 30 over piston running in a 60 over hole..
OK. I sent the seller a message asking about his statement.
"Please explain your statement that ONE cylinder is 060...
His two responses follow... *(and I've NEVER heard of anyone doing this, nor would I consider it!)...
(1) New message from: sbpayne (574Purple Star)
" One piston is .060 that cylinder needed a little more cleanup all pistons are the trw's l2210's bought at the same time and balanced accordingly. This was preferable over boring all cylinders .060 when they didn't need. Thanks Scott"
(2) New message from: sbpayne (574Purple Star)
"So one more point that piston and rings are .060
The other 5 .030 pistons were bought individually back in the day but they are all identical just one is a different size balanced out
Hope that helps Scott "
Nope, not really that much help, but I think he said the 0.060" over hole got a 0.060" over piston??!