OK, you got me to thinking about my 346 Fenco rebuilt MC, so I decided to haul it out and check. No sign of RPV's in either port, although seats are new. Considering what was posted about rebuilt units, I've decided to pull this one apart before I install it and check it out. Fortunately, I put the original Delco rebuild kits away years ago for just this instance, both the '68 and '69 kits. This MC, by the way, IS marked WT (faint, but you can see it under magnification. I suppose the paint is pretty deep, or it was blasted heavily. Otherwise, overall, it's not bad).
One of the reasons I mention the difference in the kits concerns the pic of the recess on the piston assembly. Be aware that there is a difference in depths from '68 to '69 for the actuating rod from the power brake booster - length of the rods are different. Piston bores are, too - I believe the '68 is the 1.00" bore diameter, while the '69 is 1.125". Somebody feel free to correct me if I err -