Author Topic: 1967 Rally Sport headlight motor repair help!  (Read 3825 times)


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1967 Rally Sport headlight motor repair help!
« on: October 11, 2016, 04:01:30 AM »
I was wondering if anyone makes any parts to rebuild the headlight door motors other than the gearcase? Specifically the output shaft of the gearbox, the bronze(?) bushing, and the retaining nut.
It seems that no matter how careful I am in taking then nut off, it shears the stud at least 50% of the time.

Several years ago, I had someone at work machine two shafts using one of my good ones for a pattern. If no one else sells them, I hope to get someone else I know to make me more.

And that leads to my next question. Rather than reverse engineering the part(s), does the engineering documents still exist so I can get the exact dimensions to machine them?

I am hoping that someone with access to the info would be able to help me out as I have twelve motors in need of these shafts, bushings, and nuts.

I am also hoping to be able to find the correct, or at least close to correct, semi-tubular rivets to put everything back together.

David Pozzi

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Re: 1967 Rally Sport headlight motor repair help!
« Reply #1 on: December 22, 2016, 07:38:00 AM »
I may be able to supply a drawing or some shafts.