I just my complete engine/engine bay rebuilt and I'm now ready to install the decals, back to original state.
I do have few questions, maybe some pictures would be appreciated.
I bought a complete kit for my engine (LM-1 350/255) from heartbeat, and I'm wondering if it's the best kit ? Maybe there's few other decals I should buy separately elsewhere?
Now I'm wondering about the locations for 3 specific decals:
1-The brake booster tag: where should it be installed, exactly ? Any pictures ?
2-The pollution/exhaust emissions decals: on most of the car I see, they were directly located on the radiator top bar (or rack, not sure about the proper name of it). On my car, there's few plastic clip from under, so there's not enough room to stick the two decal. Anyway those two decals are too high to be stuck on this support. Maybe there's a better place to order those decal and they have the right size ? For now I stick them directly on the fan shroud, is ut correct ?