Thanks Mike for your input and the link to that pdf, I have added it to my collection of all things Rochy!!
which has grown to be quite substantial over the years.
I haven't seen that pdf before - more bedtime stories that have to be read and understood in microscopic detail!!
I did note with interest that they say in the pdf that some rochy's had the ports but they were located just
below the leading [front] edge of the air valves, so anyone that looks for them on their carb will have to just rotate the valves open a bit and check for ports above, ports below or no ports.
I don't think I've ever seen a rochy with the ports below, but then I didn't know until now of such a possibility, will have to look more carefully myself in the future.
For those rochy's that have the ports just above the air valves, there's carful adjustment needed to the linkage that runs from the slotted sector on the end of the air valve shaft to the choke pulloff diaphragm and even careful selection of the choke pulloff itself. That diaphragm does more than just pull the choke open a bit when the engine starts!
Some aftermarket diaphragms are not set up correctly and the whole air valve action is messed up because of that!!
But I'll talk more on that in another thread, I'll leave this thread to just concentrate on the secondary ports or it will get too messy.
Just one other point of interest, for those carbs without the ports, it seems that all the air horn metal and fuel wells in the bowl are present, just the necessary holes and fuel pickup pipes haven't been drilled/fitted.
Out of interest Mike, what are the numbers and app codes on your carby's that you have looked at?
Oh, forgot to mention, yes it does have torx screws in the carb picture which are as you say, not original [should be slot head] It's not my pic, just one I found many years ago.
Will check and report air horn casting numbers back here.
Till later and thanks again!!