Wait until you see the real cars for April/May that will be loaded later today.
What, no story? Bryon, Where is the owner's story this month?
Here, I will give it a start: (feel free to add to the story)...Hi, my name is Shay-dee Tree. I bought my (which ever chosen POS pictured, insert) Camero{sic} from my cousin Billy Bob. He found it when the crick washed out from spring rains. It was holding the bank from eroding. When he drug it out with the Faaarm-mall, I said, gosh dang, I always wanted one of them Cameros! I have had it now for like 35 years! Yep! Ain't for sale though, uh, uh, no way! this think is worth mileons...I got plans fur her, oh yea. One of these days I am making it into one of them show cars. Them guys frum pickers came over. ofered a ton a money. I said, noooo waaay, this thang is rare an an-tee-q(antique, actually heard that way pronounced where I live). This thing will never be for sale, it is worth a lot ya' know. I seen one just like it on Beret-Jakson. Yea, this jewel is worth a mint, I Know! A leetle tweeking and mud, she'll be good as nu!!I got me a motor for her too. Its one of them rare 428 cobrajet- turbine- z motors. I got me a 3/4 cam, pop-ups, crane roller pushrods and one of them winy timing chains 'cause only the best is going in this gal. yea, I had her board 300 and it has a 400 crank and a gazilion pounds of compreson. this thing will be sooo bad...I am runnin' both a holly, a spredboard,a quadrunnr-jet with a ...,a...,5 turbos and ny-trus, yea thats the tiket. I already got clarence from the govrmint to run jet gas, it'l be sooo bad, ya wait and see. Only thang lak'n is a STD valve. Im told it is a rare car from my prole ocifer. He say it is a Yaaanko, so now I am think'n he is right. I saw it on a tag under the floor, yea, Yaaanko, thats it! I turned down a milleeeon twiced now. She aint fur sale, no sir...hey, you now where a guy can find a cuple mor match'n blocs? I want to get her off the groun' before she goes down hill. I heerd u guys will confirm this as one of them baret-jakson Yaaankos, but I already know it is, so dont much matr whut y'all think. Oh yea, i'm tole-d that this RARE car has sooo many op-shins that it has to tags on the cow...I guess 1 fur eech eer?