ExRacer: Are you an Auburn grad or fan?
lol- no, not much of a sports fan. I've always liked bright colors though, especially on cars. Blue was my original favorite, and then I switched to orange around 1990 or so. My first car, that I paid for with my own money was a 1969 Camaro standard coupe that I bought in 1986 for $400.00. Hotrod around that time had a "how to paint your own car" series and they listed some easy straight colors that were good for first time painters. The one I fell in love with was... Ford Grabber Blue, so that was what I painted my first 69. I was going to paint my current project grabber blue again because I absolutely love the color. Petty Blue or even Big Bad Blue would have worked too- but they were all stinkin' expensive (at lleast for my budget), so the paint store had this fleet orange color for cheap, so I went with that. But since I love blue too, I went ahead and did the lettering etc in blue.
probably more than you wanted to know...lol, but there you have it.