still have it. Bill Jr. really seemed to spearhead it being family friendly. Quite time, play ground, put a cap on drinking/rowdiness in the stands. O tolerance for ANY drinking and driving. Catch you taking a sip then making a pass, banded. Not the case years ago. Tried chasing points a few years ago, but my boy was heavy into high school sports, really no time. Saturday points racing really makes for a relaxing weekend. T-n-T Friday night, dial in Saturday morning, run in the evening. But, I really love the "gasser event index racing" We run D/G (10.5), not tearing the car up, leave on the same light, no chasing down or being chased. Simple mechanical throttle stop. Not , the Z, Anglia.
I have videos of the Z running in the early 90's, VHS, got to have it transferred.