Hey guys, Thanx.. I like this new addition to the CRG.
I just spent 23 hours last Friday, Saturday and Sunday getting Raquel's body mostly surface rust free. LOT'S of Elbow Grease to say the least. Also took SOS pads to all the chrome and then waxed the whole car. It is the best it has ever looked. I did this in preparation for my "Muscle Car Review" shoot. Car will be featured in an upcoming issue. David Featherston did the shoot. We took the car to the local airport and used the hangers area. The photos here were shot by myself during the shoot. I took another 178 with the windows down the next day! I will add some more before and after. It is pretty dramatic. I wanted the car to look like this for the MCACN show, but just couldn't make it happen. Still have a ways to go as it never ends. As you are going along you see many more places. But overall, I think it turned out pretty nice. No more giant chunks of rust!.. Danny