Another little bunch of stuff has arrived at The Huggers nest.....
First these unusual, I do know why, but in my opinion very cool option...the fender guards from GM. I had a NOS set before and now I found another NOS kit so now its complete to the car.
This new box has never been opened since it was sealed in 1968-69:
.. here together with the other kit:
I also did order a complete, 41 pcs, set of chrome plated valve covers that should be very similar to the original part. According to seller they feature the correct height, positioning of the holes, wire loom stands and brackets, most of all they feature the correct drippers as per originals. They do look good enough for me at least...
Some small but good stuff for the starter as well, heat shield and front bracket.
And finally the new cam from Crane. A 10313 that hopefully will do the job!
Here are some spec for the interested:
Rough idle, performance usage, good mid range HP, bracket racing, auto trans w/3000+ converter, 3800- 4200 cruise RPM, 10.0 to 11.5 compression ratio advised. Good w/Roots supercharger, 15 lbs. max. boost w/8.0 max. compression ratio advised.
Lift: Intake @Cam 3347 @Valve 569
Exhaust @ Cam 350 @Valve 595
Rocker Arm Ratio 1.7
Cam Timing: TAPPET @ .004
Lift: Opens Closes ADV Duration
Intake 34 BTDC 80 ABDC 294 °
Exhaust 87 BBDC 37 ATDC 304 °
Spring Requirements:
Part Number 99893
Loads Closed 130 LBS @ 1.850 or 1 27/32
Open 346 LBS @ 1.280
Recommended RPM range with matching components
Minimum RPM 3200
Maximum RPM 6800
Valve Float 7200
Cam Timing: TAPPET @.050
Lift: Opens Closes Max Lift Duration
Intake 10 BTDC 48 ABDC 109 238
Exhaust 63 BBDC 5 ATDC 119 248