Author Topic: 68 - 69 am/fm stereo question  (Read 15963 times)


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Re: 68 - 69 am/fm stereo question
« Reply #15 on: June 14, 2015, 04:47:26 PM »
What was the first chevy to have am/fm stereo as a single unit receiver i.e. all in one, no external bits?
Have found a part answer to this question. Seems that 73 Camaros had am/fm with integrated stereo and fader - 4 speaker connections on the rear.
Update to this - seems 1970 Camaro and other chevs were the first, using DS515 transistors [pair for left and right] in a TO3 package, of which in one pic I found were dated 6946
1968 12C SS
12 bolt posi 3.55


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Re: 68 - 69 am/fm stereo question
« Reply #16 on: June 17, 2015, 05:31:41 PM »
A browse of the schematic for the 68 am/fm 7303241 has confirmed that the plug [no cable attached] in the socket on the underside of the radio is in fact a jumper plug to link a few pins together to complete the audio signal path when the radio does not have the stereo multiplexer connected. I have since found various other references to this plug on the net.

Here's a pic of the pinout. The schematic does not say what view this is, but I would assume they are following valve convention, which would make this view as seen from the male pins side of the plug.
In any event, you can always work it out as pin 9 is the only pin with +12 volts on it [68 only, 69 is different - yet to work it out] and there should be 0 ohms continuity from the radio power connector [yellow wire] to pin 9 in the socket when the radio switch is 'on'

The 69 schematic of the stereo radio 91BFM2 also makes it clear how they were able to use the radios controls and maintain the stereo signal path. The volume and tone was now a monster concentric shaft 4 gang pot, two gangs for stereo volume and the other two gangs for stereo tone + the on/off switch at the back.
The fader is also a dual gang for stereo operation.

What still has me foxed is how the balance worked. There is just an arrow pointing to the region of the volume/tone controls, for both 69 and 70.
Did you push the tone knob to de-clutch tone and engage balance?? 69 stereo radio owners, please help me with this one!  :)
1968 12C SS
12 bolt posi 3.55


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Re: 68 - 69 am/fm stereo question
« Reply #17 on: July 13, 2015, 03:39:25 PM »
Here's a pic of the pinout. The schematic does not say what view this is, but I would assume they are following valve convention, which would make this view as seen from the male pins side of the plug.

Having picked up a 68 am/fm radio, I can confirm that this view is of the pins side of the plug.

Regarding the 69 am/fm radio left-right balance adjustment, I send a message to the ebay seller of this blue light radio
and asked if he knew how the balance adjustment worked.
He replied back quoting information from online [somewhere??] as per below

"To adjust the STEREO BALANCE:
1) Turn the Speaker control (behind tuning knob) to EITHER extreme.
2) Using a small blade screwdriver, turn the BALANCE control (located through the hole in the nose just above the volume control), from one end to the other until the desired stereo centering is obtained."

Can anyone confirm this?
Certainly there appears to be some sort of toothed wheel visible through the hole above the volume/tone controls in the 1st and 3rd pics.
1968 12C SS
12 bolt posi 3.55


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Re: 68 - 69 am/fm stereo question
« Reply #18 on: July 17, 2015, 11:30:52 AM »
Thought that was the antenna trimming pot.
Mark C.
1969 Indy Pace Car
350/300HP RPO Z11


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Re: 68 - 69 am/fm stereo question
« Reply #19 on: July 17, 2015, 04:34:28 PM »
Hi Mark, glad to see you drop by  :)
The antenna trimmer is on the right side above the tuner shaft. This adjustment is on the left above the vol/tone shafts.
1968 12C SS
12 bolt posi 3.55