Phillip I will be 100 percent honest, and only as constructive criticism. My only disappointment outside in the red and green fields is that things were to spread out. But I did well and was VERY happy with the weekend. The weather worked out well, but forecasts were shakey. It is my favorite shows of the year. I live so close to Carlisle and lost interest in it because of rules and greed. All the staff at Autofare are nice and very polite. I look forward to eating at the Texas Ranch Steak House and that staff knows us from 10 years of patronage. My father retired two years ago and we go together. Also my uncle usually goes, a GTO owner. It has been a family outing for us for over 20 years now. We have many priceless moments together there. That in itself is worth it. Thanks for all that you do and your efforts are greatly appreciated. Just hoping I can come in the fall. Dan