Looking to find some used original License plates for my 68 Camaro. Right now it has YKZ 821 plates which I believe are for a '69. Because the second owner bought the car 4/12/69 from a dealership. What do I need for my car that was first placed in service 6/18/68? Anybody have any original plates on there car with a close date to mine? What are the cutoff months for the different letters?.
How about these, Too Early? Too Late?, Just Right?.
Also found this
My research has shown that the 1963-69 year-by-year, letter allocation plate issuance breakdown has some overlap, but plates beginning with the following letters generally correspond to the year of issue: ABCD=1963, EFGHI=1964, JKLMN=1965, OPQRS=1966, TUVW=1967, WX = 1968 YZ=1969. This sound correct?? .. Danny